Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Flash Terror; Vegan Diet

So, I am now doing Flash tutorials -- both Actionscripting and Flash. I looked at this week's assignment and realized I had no idea how to construct it, so I subscribed to Lynda.com and am praying that Todd Perkins will save me. He does seem like a really sweet guy, and helpful.

I also tried my son, who taught himself Actionscripting (see, it must be in my genes), but he has to write a paper. Humph.

On a totally different note, I took advantage of my short bout with the nurovirus (sp) to turn over a new leaf dietwise. I am eating mostly veggies. I have spent insane amounts of time in the kitchen. Not as much time as doing tutorials, but close. I love having these veggie-based meals with three courses and soup every night, but it is a hustle. I am proud of myself -- today I brought my own lunch to a staff meeting where lunch was provided. I can't tell you how much better I feel not eating the turkey sandwiches, chips, and cookies.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Learning Flash Actionscripting at 59

So, I am taking a class in Flash Actionscripting 3.0. Of course I am the oldest in the class by 40 years at least, and I believe the teacher is 12. He is very, very nice and I believe very talented. He uses the immersion method for teaching, so he runs script by us at hummingbird speed and we compile. And then he comes around and helps us. I, at 59, need special attention it on each project. I dutifully type the code, but then seem to totally mess up on posting objects on the stage. I wonder who it was who decided that the place where you draw, type, and so on is called a "stage." Is this related to The Stage? Acting, and so on? I think so -- using Flash you can get rectangles to dance and sing.

But I can't get them to perform, not just yet. I hope I will be able to post some of my fabulous work, should I ever produce it, on these pages, so you can enjoy my work.