We piled into a van on drove inland. We had two local guides, Vincent and his mom, Ms Brown. Cow pasture 1 took us by a pig farm and very vocal goats. But wait, we had microdosed first, so many of us had meaningful conversations with the goats.
A semiscientific dosing experiment was going on...we were issued bracelets with numbers so they could keep track of us.
Dose 1 made us mellow, we all felt slightly more right with the world, allowing us to converse with other species.
The first pasture was a bust. We did find tiny acasia plants, the roots of which contain dmt.
Hiking through first cow pasture.
Luckily, the pattie man was nearby, so we got sustenance. Apparently all patties are factory made these days...but they were hot and flakey....
The pattie man.
The second field was a winner....chock a block full of mushrooms. Three types of magic mushrooms...it was hot, and we had to climb through barbed wire, but we did it! I was surprised how obvious the mushrooms were...white patches in the pasture. I got a handful, but what will I do with them?
Carolyn climbing through barbed wire to get to mushroom field.
Psilocybe cubensis.
Owen (biologist) examining a haul at local bar.
Ms Brown with Michelle inside Ma Browns home (which is filled with mushrooms)
We ended up hanging out at a local bar where there was a shelf of harvested mushrooms. We stayed there for hours seemingly, enough time for me to purchase and down two giant bottles of water. There, one of our members was explaining how to harvest spores and sell them to tourists. There was a Rasta man with and Afrika medallion and full Rasta hair in wool hat. It was a local scene, but unlike many other places I’ve been, we did not draw a crowd. They are well accustomed to tourists here.
A great day!
And bonus: we got dinner tonight along the beach