Gumdal to Skaun
Lodging community center of Skaun church
Cost 250 kroner
We had a ways to go. We met a group of 11 Norwegians from Tromso who were hiking, but also had a van full of supplies, which meant the pilgrims were not carrying full packs. When they said they were going to Skaun, we became concerned that we would be competing for beds, so we moved quickly. The walk was mostly through forest with a good share of muck. There were boards atop some of the muck, which was appreciated.
Sheep on the path
Miracle, we were the first to arrive at the hostel, which was a community center run by the church. They had mattresses and cots for 11 or 12 and a beautiful kitchen. The Germans, five of them, arrived after us and we all shared the giant room.
The church at Skaun was pure loveliness. It was small with some gothic elements, which we were told are rare. In addition, the altar had a painting of Mary, also rare. The church dates to the 12th century, early in the history of Scandinavian Christianity.
Also, the cornices were made from soapstone.
A distant view of the church in Skaun.
A great bonus today, the grocery store was across the street so we didn’t have to haul groceries for miles!
Another bonus: clear blue skies and cool temperatures
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