Temple 88 Okubo-ji bus
Temple 1 Ryozen-ji Chinese Henro Tour bus
Miles walked: 5.6
Slept at: Chottoca-ma
Our original intention was to walk, but we are the lazy Henro, and it's seven miles and a 1200 meter climb to the top. In the temple parking lot, we met another Henro, Hyatt, who is fluent in English. We decided to join him on the bus ride up the mountain. We were relieved to see another walking Henro couple who had been at our Minshuku the previous night---we are not alone as the lazy Henro!
But Hyatt...he is 22, speaks Japanese, English, Turkish, and French (that we know of). He spent his early childhood in Japan, but when his parents were killed in a car crash, he went to live with his father's friend in Turkey. Although he has dual citizenship in the U.S. And Japan, he considers Turkish his native language. Oh, and he lives in Montpellier, France and is a CPA.
At any rate, we visited Temple 88 together and then parted in front of the konnyaku stand when he boarded the bus back down the hill.
Minutes later, I regretted not boarding the bus myself....no one was returning to Temple 87! But Laura had it under control. She met a monk who invited her the Chinese Henro bus tour! So, just to provide a complete Henro experience, we have now have bus Henro experience! These folks were mostly from Taiwan and even the monk, though living in Osaka now, is from there.
The monk, the stereotypical tall, thin, and stern type, leaned over across the aisle and asked if I was reincarnated from a Japanese person! This was a relevant question from a monk who was puzzled that we were doing the 88 temples. He also said that the reincarnation of Kobo Daishi, the originator of the Henro 88, was living in Seattle! Finally, he said we were something else, embarking on this journey.
The bus ride was raucous with Chinese songs, prayers, and thank yous to the tour organizers. It turned out the group was on its way to Temple 1 to complete the Henro 88 circle around the island. So, although it wasn't planned, we returned to Temple 1, which was much changed from the first trip around. It was crawling with Henro so that you could barely light incense or deposit your offering and ofuda. Is the season just beginning? I suspect so, because we ran into so few issues with accommodations on our journey.
So this is the end. It was a slog, much like life itself and I think could be viewed as a miniature of one's own life---attitude toward the journey, the people you meet, the problems you solve. I already have some idea how I'd do the journey if I tried it again, which is not always possible in this life. I do understand why people do it multiple times, though...it's a Groundhog Day kind of effort don't you think?